Park Street, Saal’s first Christmas window

Park Street, Saal’s first Christmas window

This year Saal Design reached a major milestone - 30 years in business! The time has indeed flown by. Looking back over the years it’s amazing to see how far we have come.

I set up Saal Design when I was 26 years old. I had a small shop on Park Street and I primarily sold home accessories and curtains, while also offering a design service. Not long after setting up, two huge things happened. I gave birth to my first child, Jassa, and then, after a swift maternity leave, the UK was hit by a recession. It was one of the hardest couple of years of my life but somehow the business made it through - just in time for baby number two.

I’d learnt a lot during the recession and decided to redirect Saal away from accessories and more towards my real passion - design. I had my second child, Romy, and began to slowly develop myself as an interior design consultant. Often, when I couldn’t sort out childcare, the little ones would come into the shop with me. I have many memories of trying to talk to customers and suppliers over the phone while trying to pacify a screaming baby. Or thinking I had a moment’s peace to make a call after having herded them securely into their play pen…only to hear a giant smash moments later…Romy had escaped and decided to throw a gold leaf Indian terracotta vase out of the shop door onto the pavement. I guess that was one way of getting attention from passersby on the high street!

I superglued that vase back together and still have it in my garden…I also still have the guilty child…who now helps out occasionally in the studio and has promised never to throw anything out of the front door again. 

As the business grew and evolved I decided it was time to move from Park Street into a bigger studio. This was when I moved to Saal’s current location - 3 Warwick Place - eighteen years ago. Since then, we have survived yet another recession and the business has transformed into a project led interior design studio.

The last couple of years in particular have offered the most growth as Saal Design has welcomed a few new members to it’s team…



Liv joined Saal as an intern in 2016 after graduating with a degree in Management and Marketing. Her skills in project management and organisation have made her an invaluable member of the team. She is excited to develop her career within the world of residential interiors.

Outside of work Liv loves to paint, tend to her veggie patch and explore the countryside with the dogs!



Suzie is the most recent addition to our team, after having done a weeks work experience with Sarah in 2010. With a degree in Graphics, she has always been interested in interior design and loves playing with texture and splashes of colour. When not at Saal, Suzie loves to dance! She has danced since she was 3 years old and has done everything from ballet and tap to jazz and contemporary.

We’re very excited to have her join us!



Marlowe joined us two and a half years ago and settled in right away.

He is the studio’s nap-time manager, however he also has training in security and office counselling - offering hugs and love on stressful days. 

When not at Saal, Marlowe loves to go running in the fields, rolling in mud and watching films in front of the fire.


As a team, we would like to thank everyone who has been a part of Saal Design’s journey.

I have found interior design to be an incredibly personal business, built from relationships and trust. I believe I have been very lucky over the last 30 years. I’ve worked with many great clients and talented craftspeople - many of whom I now consider to be friends. Some of you I met all those years ago on Park Street and some of you I have only met recently, but to all of you I say thank you. Thank you for the support, and most of all, thank you for bearing with us while we’ve figured it all out!